Song Of Bliss

There is a state of consciousness
Where every action
The reality of the soul.

Oh mother –
This consciousness
Is with me now
For I have found
The Teacher of Truth
Whose wisdom awakens me
To my own Infinite Reality.

I have found
The Teacher of Truth
Whose wisdom takes me
From the darkness of my own
Ignorance and ego
To the light
Of my Inner Divinity.

With absolute
My surrendered mind
Flows in tune
With the frequency
Of the Divine.

It is such
An awesome

The Divine Musical Scales
Of Love
(Such jewels)
And the Spirits
That keep them
Have come to sing
The Shabad –

The Sacred Sound
Which breaks the
Ego-shackles of the
And releases
The Infinite Spirit
To pervade
And prevail
As my lived identity.

All of you
Sing the Sacred Sound
Of the Shabad
That will break through
Your limited ego
And bring you to the experience of
Deathless Divinity.

The Shabad has
Come to you
Through Hari –
The power of the Creator
To manifest in form.

Through the Shabad
The thought-waves
Of the mind
Become elevated
To the frequency
Of the Divine.

Says Naanak
There is a state of consciousness
Where every action
The reality of the soul.

This consciousness
Is with me now
For I have found
The Teacher of Truth
Whose wisdom awakens me
To my own Infinite Reality. (1)

Mind of mine-
Always be with the 
Essence of the Divine
Inside your own heart
And inside of everything
Around you.

Be with
The Essence of the Divine
Inside yourself
And inside all things,
My mind.

This will cause you to forget
All your pains and sorrows.

Feel the Divine Essence
In every fiber of your being.

Feel yourself
As one fiber
In the vast weave of life.

And surrender your identity
To and with the Divine.

Then,The Creator will do
All of your work
For you
And bring all your affairs
To completion.

That powerful Master
Is in control
Of all the things
That concern and worry you.

So why ever
Let yourself
Forget that One?

Says Naanak-
Mind of mine – 
Always be with the Essence of the Divine
Inside your own heart
And inside of everything
Around you. (2)

Master of the Ultimate Reality-
What does not live
Inside your home?

In Your home
Is everything that exists.

What You give to us
Is what we receive.

By always remaining
In a positive state-
Admiring and appreciating
Your Creation –

Your Spirit rises up
Within us
And dwells
As our active, living identity.

When Your Spirit
Within us becomes
Our active, living identity

Then everywhere we go,
In everything we do

We hear the Sound
That guides us homeTo You.

Master of the Ultimate Reality-
What does not live
Inside Your home? (3)

In the dimension
Of Ultimate Reality
Your Spirit
In every identity.

This truth
Has become
My food.

In the dimension
Of Ultimate Reality
Your Spirit
In every identity.

This truth
Feeds me.

And through it,
All hunger and dissatisfaction

Tranquility and peace
Come to live
Inside my own mind.
All my desires
Are fulfilled by You.

May I continually offer
My entire being
In service
To the Teacher
Who takes me from
The ignorance
Of my own mind
To the Light
Of my Inner Divinity

And through whom,
These great things happen.

Says Naanak,
Listen you who live
By your purity, 
Spiritual discipline
And grace –

Keep it with you, Beloved Ones.

The Sound Current 
That cuts
The ego-shackles of the mind.

In the Dimension
Of Ultimate Reality
Your Spirit
In every identity.

This truth
Has become
My food. (4)

Where the Five Sacred Sounds
Of the Panch Shabad play
That home is blessed
With good fortune.

Whatever home
Has adopted this Sound Current
Playing it
With artistry and power –
Such a home
Is a fortunate

Through these Five Sacred Sounds
You, oh Divine One,
Bring the Five Passions
(Of lust, pride, greed, anger and attachment)
Under control

The thorny illusion
Of Death.

At the beginning of time,
It was already decided
When and how
The Sound Current that cuts the ego
Would be met.

And when that moment comes –
We become attached to You within ourselves
And the fact of You
In the entire Creation.

Says Naanak,
Then – within those homes –
A deep and restful peace
Wells up.

And You, oh Love,
The Silent Sound
The Sound Beyond Sound
Where cause and effect
And life unfolds
Without a word. (5)