Raj Joag
Raaj jog takhat deean Gur Raam Das
Prathamay Naanak chand jagat bhayo aanand
Taaran Manukh jan keeo pargaas
Gur Angad dee-o nidhaan akath kathaa giaan panch bhoot bas keenay jamat naa taraas
Gur Amar Guru siri sat kalijug raakhee pat agan daykhat gat charan kaval jaas
Sabh bidh maanyo man tab hi bhayo parsan Raj jog takhat deean Gur Raam Das
Guru Ram Das was blessed with the Throne of Raja Yoga.
First, Guru Nanak illuminated the world, like the full moon, and filled it with bliss. To carry humanity across, he bestowed his radiance.
He blessed Guru Angad with the treasure of spiritual wisdom, and the Unspoken Speech; he overcame the five demons and the fear of the Messenger of Death.
The Great and true guru, Guru Amar Daas, has preserved honor in this Dark Age of Kali Yuga. Seeing his lotus feet, evil is destroyed.
When His mind was totally satisfied in every way, when he was totally pleased, He bestowed upon Guru Raam Daas the Throne of Raja Yoga.